(Don't be fooled by Google ads - this is the Real KDQOL



NOTE: All of the surveys and tools are public documents, available without charge (for non-commercial purposes). Please see our FAQ page for more information.

DOPPS Practice Monitor

More information on the DOPPS Practice Monitor (DPM)

4/23/02: Table of means and standard deviations for KDQOL™ scales by age group and gender from Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study:  DOPPS-ageXgen.PDF.  These data are from the US DOPPS collected between 1996 and December 2000.  Updated data are available - see above.


We previously transferred all of our instruments and scoring programs so they now reside on RAND's website.  Please visit http://www.rand.org/health/surveys_tools/kdqol.html .

We are now beginning to share new instruments we come across here when we can:

October, 2020:
With thanks to Radhika C K and colleagues:
Malayalam version KDQOL-36
and article:
Radhika C K, Asha S. Kumar & K.S. Sajeev Kumar. Cross-cultural Adaptation of Kidney Disease Quality of Life (KDQOL™-36) - Malayalam Version.  SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine (2020) 2:933-941.