(Don't be fooled by Google ads - this is the Real KDQOL


Links to MEDLINE Searches relating to KDQOL

This section contains links to citations and abstracts of medical and scientific articles from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM) MEDLINE database.

Note: [tw] stands for "Text Words" and searches for all words and numbers in the title and abstract, and MeSH terms, subheadings, chemical substance names, personal name as subject, and MEDLINE Secondary Source (SI) field.   [ti] stands for "Title Words" and searches for words included in the title of a citation.


KDQOL[ti]:   13 references found as of Jan 21, 2010.

KDQOL[tw]:   81 references found as of Jan 21, 2010.

KDQOL[tw] AND reliability[tw]: 16 references found as of Jan 21, 2010.

KDQOL[tw] AND ((pediatric[tw]) OR (children[tw])):  1 reference found as of Jan 21, 2010.

DOPPS[ti]: 73 references found as of Jan 21, 2010.